Śpiwór kołdra 200x140 cm Spokey CANYON
Śpiwór kołdra 200x140 cm Spokey CANYON
Śpiwór kołdra 200x140 cm Spokey CANYON
Śpiwór kołdra 200x140 cm Spokey CANYON


  • 30 dni na zwrot
  • Gwarancja 24 miesiące
  • Darmowa konsultacja
  • 30 dni na zwrot
  • Gwarancja 24 miesiące
  • Darmowa konsultacja

140 x 200 cm
Materiał wewnętrzny

Śpiwór kołdra 200x140 cm Spokey CANYON

Cena 8300 Brutto

Dostępny w sklepie:
W magazynie producenta (5+ szt)
Przybliżony termin realizacji: 3-7 d.r. DPD (20,00 zł)


Spokey CANYON quilt sleeping bag 200x140cm:

  • provides more space and freedom while sleeping than standard models of sleeping bags, which is why it is so often chosen for camping and accommodation in a tent,
  • can be used both in field conditions and during the visit of unexpected guests,
  • is a warm cover for spring and summer nights, which when folded into cubes (dimensions: 27 x 39 cm) takes up little space.

When deciding to stay in a tent or a shelter, it is worth getting a comfortable sleeping bag - it provides a sense of warmth and comfort. For people who value the greatest freedom of movement while sleeping, a quilt-type sleeping bag is the best choice. It is a warm covering that can be used both in the field and during the visit of unexpected guests. Spokey CANYON is a spring-summer model, which not only provides excellent thermal comfort, but is also light and does not take up much space (dimensions after folding in the cubes: 27 x 39 cm).

Even greater freedom of movement while sleeping

The Spokey CANYON quilt is a proposal for people looking for a warm cover to be used in outdoor conditions. It is a response to the needs of outdoor enthusiasts of trips. It provides more space and freedom while sleeping than standard models of sleeping bags, which is why it is so often chosen for camping and accommodation in a tent. CANYON is also very useful when visiting guests - it will successfully replace the duvet.

A comfortable spring and summer duvet

Spokey CANYON was made of the best quality materials, thanks to which it has increased resistance to damage and tearing. It is also the certainty of very good thermal insulation. Its dimensions (200 x 140 cm) ensure great comfort - when unfolded it is very large! What's more, when folded into cubes, the duvet takes up little space. Additionally the form is kept in a special velcro flap.

Technical data:

  • outer material: 190T polyester
  • inner material: 190T polyester
  • filling: polyester 160 g / m2
  • weight: 800 g
  • dimensions: 140 x 200 cm
  • dimensions after folding: 27 x 39 cm
  • spring and summer quilt
  • folded into cubes – it takes up little space

O Spokey

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