Biotech For Her Fiber Complex 120 tab.


  • 30 dni na zwrot
  • Gwarancja 24 miesiące
  • Darmowa konsultacja
  • 30 dni na zwrot
  • Gwarancja 24 miesiące
  • Darmowa konsultacja

Vitamins for women

Biotech For Her Fiber Complex 120 tab.


Dostępny w sklepie:
W magazynie producenta (5+ szt)
Dostawa 2-4 d.r. DPD (20,00 zł)


The ‘BioTechUSA for Her’ product range was created to provide a complete body-shaping solution for women. The active ingredients of our premium quality products will help you set out on a new journey; a journey that will take you to a woman’s greatest treasure – self-confidence.


Whether young or older, single or living with a partner, shy or a sex bomb, average or a super model, no woman on Earth is completely satisfied with every part of their bodies, and that's still an understatement. And the wishes of ladies are mostly focused on losing weight.

Obviously, we can’t change genetics, but when will meets performance, anyone can shape their bodies, including you! Change, however, is the result of a lifestyle, the foundations of which are a healthy diet and regular exercise. For maximum effectiveness, you should consider using weight control products. Along with the right diet and workout, these products support the increased use of calories and gaining energy from fat.


Fiber Complex is a water-soluble chewable tablet containing dietary fibres, inulin and chromium. The tablets don’t represent a significant calorie intake, so you can take them with a clear conscience when hunger strikes during your diet.


We have known for a long time that high quality food is crucial to maintaining health, and the saying ‘you are what you eat’ holds a lot of truth. Dietary fibres play an important role in maintaining health. Insufficient fibre intake can be a risk factor in many diseases. Dietary fibres resist human digestive enzymes, which are incapable of breaking them down to smaller, absorbable units. We differentiate between soluble and insoluble fibres. They play an important role in reducing cholesterol levels in blood, in low-calorie diets, as well as in weight loss diets.

A fibre-rich diet also requires ample fluid intake, which means about 2 litres a day.

In order to maintain your health, you need to take in about 25-35 g plant fibres daily, which you can get from fruits and vegetables; however, our rushing lifestyle doesn’t always allow us to get proper food. The fibres you need can also be taken in with so-called dietary fibres.

Chromium contributes to the normal metabolism of macronutrients and maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

Who is Fiber Complex recommended to?

  • those who want to lose weight, even with greater excess weight


O BioTech USA


BioTechUSA istnieje na rynku od 1999 roku, oferując wysokiej jakości suplementy diety, w tym szeroką gamę proszków białkowych, preparatów przedtreningowych, produktów związanych z budowaniem wytrzymałości, produktów dietetycznych i ponad 40 produktów witaminowych o wysokiej zawartości składników aktywnych. Nasza oferta obejmuje obecnie ponad 600 produktów, które stale ulepszamy poprzez rozwój i innowacje oparte na opiniach klientów. Dbamy o to, aby nasze portfolio zawierało produkty bezglutenowe i bezlaktozowe, a także oferujemy alternatywę dla wegan. Flagowy produkt z naszej oferty białek, Iso Whey Zero, jest produkowany i dystrybuowany przez BioTechUSA.

Ponad 500 naszych pracowników i 130 sklepów franczyzowych - we Francji, Włoszech, Niemczech, Austrii, Słowacji i na Węgrzech - oraz sieć dystrybucji obejmująca około 70 krajów sprawiają, że BioTechUSA jest jednym z największych i najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się producentów suplementów diety do celów sportowych.


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I - V:  9.00 - 18.00

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