Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya
Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya


  • 30 dni na zwrot
  • Gwarancja 24 miesiące
  • Darmowa konsultacja
  • 30 dni na zwrot
  • Gwarancja 24 miesiące
  • Darmowa konsultacja

Product type
Other Accessories

Zestaw do jogi Spokey Asteya

Cena 15000 Brutto

Dostępny w sklepie:
W magazynie producenta (5+ szt)
Przybliżony termin realizacji: 3-7 d.r. DPD (20,00 zł)


Are you looking for a ready-made solution for home exercises? Bet on the Spokey ASTEYA set, which will become your favorite during each yoga meeting and not only!

The set includes:

  • a yoga mat,
  • two cubes (bricks),
  • a fitness ball with a pump,
  • a yoga belt.

Yoga is a sport for everyone! It will be perfect for both beginners and advanced athletes. Yogis all over the world prove it! Regular practice helps to calm down, distract yourself from everyday duties, reduces stress and introduces balance and peace. But these are just a few of the benefits of yoga.

Spokey ASTEYA yoga mat

An obligatory piece of equipment for every yoga apprentice is a mat. It prevents slipping on the surface and ensures comfort and safety during exercise. Regardless the way of practising yoga, it is a must-have when performing asanas. The Spokey mat is made of PVC foam, which makes it very durable and resistant to damage. Its most important feature is its excellent anti-slip properties; you can feel confident and safe while exercising! Classic design is perfect for any interior. Using it helps you assume a safe position and gives you stability and balance. It is also perfect for pilates and physiotherapy.

Spokey ASTEYA yoga cube (two pieces)

It is useful for both beginners and advanced yoga trainees, the ASTEYA cube will be perfect wherever more flexibility is required than we have at the moment. It is a great support during exercises and asanas. For more advanced ones, it enables even more possibilities and greater comfort of exercise. The yoga block is primarily used to stretch your arms, legs and back. Brick is the perfect assistant for stretching. It makes exercises safer and easier to perform! It can be used as supports for asanas lying on the back, standing, sitting and when turning.

Spokey ASTEYA gymnastic ball with pump

A gymnastic ball is an excellent choice for home training. Thanks to it you can diversify your training, engaging virtually all muscle groups. Spokey ASTEYA is a pilates ball, which is an excellent support during universal development activities. Exercises with a ball, which seemingly look easy, can bring very big effects. Perfect for yoga training. By using a gym ball, you strengthen most of your muscles, improve your condition and add variety to your training. What's more, yoga ball exercises are perfect for everyone - easy to do for beginners, not requiring intensity for seniors and perfect for people with injuries. It can be successfully used during rehabilitation.


Yoga belt is an element whose task is to facilitate the performance of asanas, providing support while maintaining the position. First of all, it is an extension of our hands. It can be successfully used during stretching exercises. Thanks to it, you will maintain the required flexibility of the body. The Spokey ASTEYA yoga belt is crucial during yoga training - it helps to strengthen the joints and increases the range of our movement. Thanks to this, you can enlarge the range of your own movements without too much effort. Yoga is the best solution for everyone who needs to relax and unwind after another stressful day, and at the same time want to keep fit and slim. Anyone can exercise it, regardless of age or current physical condition!

O Spokey

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