Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA
Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA


  • 30 dni na zwrot
  • Gwarancja 24 miesiące
  • Darmowa konsultacja
  • 30 dni na zwrot
  • Gwarancja 24 miesiące
  • Darmowa konsultacja

Korek do jogi Spokey NIDRA

Cena 6200 Brutto

Dostępny w sklepie:
W magazynie producenta (5+ szt)
Przybliżony termin realizacji: 3-7 d.r. DPD (20,00 zł)


Yoga is the best solution for everyone who needs relaxation after another stressful day, and at the same time want to keep fit and slim. Regular practice helps to calm down, distract yourself from everyday duties, reduces stress and introduces balance and peace. Anyone can exercise it, regardless of age or current physical condition! The Spokey NIDRA block will become your favorite during each yoga meeting and not only!

The Spokey NIDRA yoga block is a must-have for every yoga apprentice. Useful for both beginners and advanced. To the first ones it serves as a support wherever greater flexibility is required than one we have at the moment. For more advanced people, it enables fuller use of the possibilities as well as greater comfort of exercise.

The yoga block is primarily used to stretch your arms, legs and back. Thanks to the use of cork, NIDRA is not only solid, but above all pleasant to the touch. Because the yoga block is made of cork, it is heavier than foam one, and is perfect for asanas that require greater stability.. Thanks to it, yoga training jumps to the highest level! The Spokey yoga block is distinguished by its unique design, thanks to which NIDRA will become a favorite yoga accessory.

O Spokey

SPOKEY - kim jesteśmy?

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I - V:  9.00 - 18.00

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