Drążek prosty z kołnierzem Spokey ARTEUS
Drążek prosty z kołnierzem Spokey ARTEUS


  • 30 dni na zwrot
  • Gwarancja 24 miesiące
  • Darmowa konsultacja
  • 30 dni na zwrot
  • Gwarancja 24 miesiące
  • Darmowa konsultacja

Max load
160 kg

Drążek prosty z kołnierzem Spokey ARTEUS

Cena 17500 Brutto

Przepraszamy, chwilowo nie mamy na stanie.


Spokey ARTEUS straight bar:

  • has a non-slip structure that allows a firm grip and prevents slipping, which increases the level of safety and comfort during exercises,
  • it is equipped with specially threaded ends, on which collars are mounted - after tightening, the weights are firmly fixed and do not slide off,
  • available in four length versions- choose the one that suits your grip distance and the planned number of loads: 150, 168, 183 and 213 cm.

The barbell workouts involve all parts of our body! Depending on the chosen technique, we can achieve different effects - during exercises with the bar and weights, the muscles work, among others two-headed and quadriceps thighs, calves, glutes, muscles of the arms, back, abdomen and shoulder girdle. Therefore, if you are focused on strengthening your legs, do squats with a barbell, and if you want to strengthen your arms and back, do the so-called deadlift, which is lifting a weight off the floor.

Stable loads mounting with collars

The Spokey ARTEUS straight bar is a home fitness equipment that allows you to adapt the training method to your individual needs or the current form - you just need to mount the choosen weights to the Arteus bar. Fixing them to the bar is extremely quick and intuitive - just place the loads on the bar, and then screw them on the specially threaded ends with a quick movement with the help of the included collars. The bar mounted and locked in this way is perfectly secured, and the weights remain stable and do not slip off the bar.

Home training full of passion

The Spokey ARTEUS straight bar made of chrome-plated steel has a non-slip structure that ensures a firm grip - so it will not slip out of your hands during exercise. Its ends have been specially threaded, so you can use star collars to mount the loads. This makes the loads are effectively embedded and your training is 100% safe.

Choose ARTEUS for yourself

Spokey ARTEUS is available in four length versions, so you can choose the right one for your grip distance and the planned number of loads:

  • 150 cm,
  • 168 cm,
  • 183 cm,
  • 213 cm.

Choose a model for yourself - the maximum load of each ARTEUS is 160 kg, so choose a length that will allow you to optimally adjust the weight of the loads to your individual training style, grip distance and intensity you like!


Technical data

bar length

150 cm

168 cm

183 cm

213 cm

bar diameter

28 mm

28 mm

28 mm

28 mm

threads length

2x 34 cm

2x 34 cm

2x 38 cm

2x 38 cm

grip length

82 cm

100 cm

107 cm

137 cm


~ 7 kg

~ 8,3 kg

~ 9,1 kg

~ 10,4 kg

maximum load

160 kg

160 kg

160 kg

160 kg

collars in set

2 pcs

2 pcs

2 pcs

2 pcs






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