BE4540 ONE FITNESS is a combination of a treadmill and a massager. The set also includes a swivel disc and dumbbells. It is a compact product with an anti-slip running belt and an engine with automatic speed control. The product is made of the best quality materials. It is a stable and safe device designed for workouts at home. Due to its dimensions and shock absorbing system, the construction assures a comfortable workout area. The ergonomic control panel enables a user to manage computer functions such as time, speed and distance conveniently. An unquestionable advantage is also set of built-in speakers and the USB port, due to which one can listen to his/her our favorite music. Along with the treadmill one gets a massager, due to which it is possible to reduce the risk of so-called acidification because of perfect muscles relaxation. Additionally, such a massage has a very good effect on the cardiovascular system. Special rails in front of the treadmill make it possible to do bows when lying down. The dumbbells and the swivel disc included in the set, will diversify the workouts. As a result, with the BE4540 ONE FITNESS you are able to train your entire body.
- Usage class: H.
- Display size (''): 5
- Power supply: 230V
- Computer (functions):
- built-in training programs: yes
- number of built-in training programs: 12