The perfected Smith machine, that is the BodyCraft Jones. This is training with a loose barbell, but with the security and convenience of training on a Smith machine. This is the ideal device for intensive strength workouts for beginners and avid athletes.
Let's go back to the beginning. A Smith machine is the ideal unit to safely, do technically difficult exercises like squats, lunges, bench press shoulder press, etc. However, practice shows that the lack of freedom of movement over time can cause problems. The BodyCraft Jones is the solution. With this unit, you are guided just like on the Smith machine, but you also have the freedom of lose training. The guidance of this unit moves namely in forward/backward direction during the training so that you have exactly the same feeling as when training with a lose barbell. This while the exercises always stay safe.
The quality of the BodyCraft is just as we are accustomed of the other units of this brand truly unmatched. You as a user will experience this directly in the form of unprecedented stability and a very smooth movement sequence. All parts such as bearings and frame are also of industrial-strength and are suitable for professional use. This translates into confidence that the manufacturer has by providing a lifetime warranty on all parts with private use.

Expandable with pulley system
To make the device even more complete, you have the possibility to provide a complete pulley system to the unit. This means that you have both a high and a low pulley available to train the entire back section. You can also use the high and low pulley to give the biceps and triceps the necessary training. In short, the optional lat attachment turns the BodyCraft Jones into the ideal total body trainer.

Patented 3-D technology
The BodyCraft Jones is the latest generation of Smith machines! Patented 3-D technology of this system makes almost all training forms possible. Where a normal Smith Machine moves only in a vertical direction, the Jones move in both vertical and horizontal directions. This allows the user to move very natural unlimited. Because of the total movement freedom on the Jones you can perform almost all free weight exercises on this unit.
However, if you find it important for certain exercises to make use of the regular Smith exercises you can choose to have the Jones connected with a simple pop system. This instantly changes the Jones in a normal Smith machine. This can be important for example for explosive strength training or rehabilitation.