The perfect seat in the snow, when camping, at open-air concerts or any other outdoor activity where the ground is not always dry. The foam layer in the backrest and seat area both cushions and insulates the chair well. Stability is provided by the built-in fibreglass rods and the adjustable side straps. By opening the belts completely, the seat can also be used as a very short emergency mat. At the back of the backrest there is a mesh pocket for utensils.
Seat Origin Outdoors Travelchair Trail, Black

About Origin Outdoors

Origin Outdoors' means 'origin outdoor'. And that is our intention.
Every article should be able to prove itself in life 'outdoors'. Whether it's at the beach or hotel pool, on a Sunday walk, picnic, running, cycling, riding, canoeing or camping - in the camper van, in the desert or on the mountain - it doesn't matter. We offer articles which - each in its function - improve, beautify, insure the life of its user...
Not every product can do everything, is perfect or even unique. But we offer the outdoor enthusiast what he needs. We want to offer products that do not follow the trends of fashion but the real needs. This creates products that are mature, tested and proven.
Origin Outdoors stands for functionality, experience and passion.